14_01 Teusaquillo TownHall


TEAM: QUARCS (Mario Pérez Botero, Fred Guillaud, Bruno Louzada, Daniel Camelo)
SITUATION: Bogotá, Colombia
SURFACE: 3.900 m2
DATE: 2014 Competition


A building to resolve the urban scale problems.

The specificity of the program and it’s resulting volume contradict the fragmented and small scale of the urban typology surrounding the lot. From this apparent contradiction arises our concept: the proposition transforms this challenge into an argument and propose a building whose fragmented image is the metaphor of a historic district with its innovative buildings, streets and processes …

The Local Municipality of Teusaquillo is a building that reflects the values of the society and the democracy. Our proposal enhance the strong and inalienable link of the citizen with their representatives and the architecture is transformed into a medium that embodies this relationship, an architectural scenery visible from the street as a symbol of transparency, symbol of solidity…

The proposal organizes the different areas of the program with flexibility and logic, facilitating the use of the building and the functioning of the entity for  both citizens who visit and the officials work daily. The different spaces where the public is welcome is organized in the center of the building, near the main circulation core. Areas concentrated by type of use and strategic locations for permanence and interactivity of its occupants are enhanced. A playful space connects the different levels, creating prospects and facilitating the perception of the space. On the same time, the working units are distributed in a clear and functional scheme at the perimeters of the different levels.

As a symbol of the state, the city has to promote its values. The concept of sustainability is then understood globally. The flexibility of uses, the programmatic intelligence and the constructive rationality become the pillars of an advanced sustainability, converting this pioneering project into a bastion of sustainable city policy





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